Zoom Overload ?

D'Angelo Hernandez. \\ May 21, 2020.

With the quarantine in place, most schools have shut down their campuses and moved to online learning. The leading platform so far is Zoom. 

But how is having all of these constant Zoom meetings affecting the students?

Chabot student Gabriel Pena said, “I don’t think my stress so much comes from Zoom, but more so from the professors.”

“For me, it wasn’t like that because my teacher didn’t know what to put online because our class was super hands-on,” says Bryan Garcia, another Chabot student. “I didn’t feel overwhelmed by any of it because it was just a PowerPoint that I can just chill and watch from home.”

This issue is not tied down to Zoom specifically, as it is more an issue of now everyone is at home, so everything else is more relaxed. Students get distracted easier and quicker, and with how sudden things were, some school districts have made participation in this last quarter optional.

“I don’t feel overwhelmed by the meetings. They are just pointless since they told us that we would just get the same grades as last semester,” says Xotchil Oropeza, a high school senior. “The meetings just feel like they just want to check in on us.”

Students have expressed how they feel about Zoom meetings. Some instructors have different opinions on how some students react to the Zoom meetings.

“The main thing that I noticed because we are all at home, there is a more relaxed setting, and when we plan these meetings to be at 8 or 9 in the morning,” says Theresa Oropeza, a paraeducator. “Few students do show up to these meetings, and when they do, they are still in pajamas, laying down in bed.”

So it seems that there isn’t that big of an issue among the students with the switch to online classes.

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