Monthly Archives: May 2018

Hayward Housing Crisis

People speaking out for fear of losing their homes. Stone cold faces staring back at them from the city council as they assess the situation. I have never been in a room full of so much uncertainty. Not a smile in the whole room. This was the scene on February 13 at City Hall Meeting in Hayward California. Since then, each City Hall meeting regarding housing has been a sequel to the scene described above.

“I believe a significant part of the problem is the explosive high-income job growth primarily centered in the south bay area commonly known as Silicon Valley and in the City of San Francisco, where the affordability problem is much greater than it is here in Hayward,” said Mayor Barbara Halliday.

Gentrification has hit Hayward, with minimum legislation prepared to protect the afflicted; people are on the brink of leaving their homes. “We are in the midst of a new form of colonization, people forcing people out of their homes.” One gentleman said during his public comments. Followed by a woman who said, “I yield the rest of time, that man before me summed up how I feel.”

More affluent people are ready to pay a higher price for their homes. Management companies are doing what they can to get a piece of that pie, even if their actions aren’t legal. More commonly, exploitation of ignorance of our rights is the best tactic for them to use and not necessarily illegal. This has been the case for the tenants of Solis Gardens apartments and Aloha Gardens.

“When managing properties and or facilities you are an agent of the landlord and must always manage in the best interest of the landlord while abiding by real estate laws. When managing any type of facility safety should also always be a top priority.” Myrna Santos, Assistant Real Estate Manager, Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis (CBRE).

Some companies like FPI management, owners of Solis Gardens and Aloha Gardens apartments think otherwise.

“During a fire last year in February, which one unit was severely damaged with smaller damages in up to 4 other units, ALL units received eviction notices, even units on the unaffected side of the building. Most of my neighbors left out of fear and ignorance,” said Javier Delgado, a resident of Solis gardens.

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Planning in Partnership

South Hayward, or as city officials and workers see it on a map, the Tennyson Corridor has been recognized as “the forgotten stepchild of Hayward.”

The Hayward City Council meeting of June 20, 2017, included a two-year action plan for what the city calls The Tennyson Corridor Strategic Initiative.

The action plan itself, available on the Hayward city website, titled Tennyson Corridor Strategy Two-Year Business Plan (FY 2018 & 2019), states that its goal is to “Work with the community to create a community vision plan for the Tennyson Corridor and catalyst sites to serve as a foundation for long-term planning and policies.”

“Conduct empathy interviews with key stakeholders and a diverse set of community members to prepare for visioning sessions,” is the very first “action/task” listed on this document.

One of the developments of this relatively recent focus on South Hayward is the partnership between the city of Hayward and Chabot college through the Student Initiative Center (SIC), Chabot faculty Sean McFarland, Eric Heltzel, Tom DeWitt and all of the passionate Chabot students of the SIC doing the actual community outreach.

The City Council has acknowledged the voices of many concerned community members of South Hayward driving, walking, and witnessing the investment and development of downtown Hayward over the last decade.

Chabot professor and Hayward City Councilman Francisco Zermeño said, “Six years ago, I formed the Tennyson Community Committee to improve Tennyson road.”

Zermeño goes on, “I decided to push prioritization to Tennyson road because it became the forgotten stepchild of Hayward.”

“On April 11, 2017, City Council did a work session around the idea of focusing more on South Hayward. You’ve seen the big investment downtown for the last couple decades,” said Hayward Management Analyst Mary Thomas.

Thomas continued, “we want to figure out, what are the neighborhoods that people self-identify, and the collective aspirations and hopes for their area. With that, we want to create a vision plan for the City with some action-steps in a timeline.”

“The Tennyson corridor initiative is part of the cities effort to ensure, by forming partnerships, that Tennyson road and their community in South Hayward is not forgotten,” Zermeño adds.

This is where Pepperdine Universities Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic Leadership came in.

“The Davenport Institute of Pepperdine University helps local governments with civic engagement. We recognize city workers are expert problem solvers, but they are not trained to facilitate conversations and discussions,” says Executive Director of the Davenport Institute Ashley Trim.

According to their public policy page, the Davenport Institute Public Engagement Grants, “seek to support communities by offering funded-service grants to offset the cost of consultants and outside facilitators in designing and implementing a vibrant civic engagement process.”

For clarification, the grants that the Davenport Institute have provided will help with the resources necessary for the vision plan and community outreach. They are not used for the brick and mortar development and improvement of the city.

Thomas, “called Davenport to ask if they would be willing for us to use the money to hire Chabot College to act as our consultant instead of hiring a more formal business.”

Trim adds, “It’s the first time we’ve seen this done with a college. Chabot and Hayward have already been working together in their communities. We were really excited about the idea of a college and its students working with the city. ”

“People are not always forthcoming with city workers. As a Staff person, people are reasonably a little suspicious as to why you’re asking them questions,” said Thomas.

Zermeño clarifies, “when most of our residents run into a city employee, it’s usually because the employee is there for something negative. The inspector, for example, comes in after someone has reported you for something you may not have done.”

“We think that people are more likely to be candid with students, in particular, students from the neighborhoods themselves.”

Celeste Marucut is a Chabot student and part of the SIC which is partnered with the city of Hayward through Chabot in this initiative.

Marucut says, “We are doing these interviews because we want to build a bridge between the city of Hayward, its organizations, and the community members. Too often, citizens do not know how to communicate what they want with the city of Hayward. Chabot students reaching out to the community helps us, and them, communicate what they’ve been feeling, and what they want to see Hayward become.”

SIC advisor, Sean McFarland, said, “The Davenport Institute at Pepperdine gives three grants a year to different cities around the nation who want to do innovative work to reach out to their citizens. This year, this project looked so cool to Davenport, they took all the grant money and put it to our grant alone.”

“The grant from the Davenport Institute goes directly to Chabot. The funding that would go to hire a consultant went to hire student assistants, and for supplies. The City has a separate contract with Chabot to help fund some of the faculty time in supervising the student assistants,” Thomas clarified.

“We hope to introduce the Council to a different way of presenting information,” said Thomas.

Chabot SIC student Blanca Ochoa, “made a scrapbook because there is so much information. I want to show how the issues in the community are connected. People from different neighborhoods are experiencing the same problems, or want the same things.”

“The art gallery that the students are putting together and displaying in City Hall on May 22 will be a first step where the City Council can see the art the students created from their interviews,” Thomas added.

Marucut is, “very opposed to just giving the city a report. I feel like it would be a waste of our time and all our hard work.”

City Councilman Francisco Zermeno agreed, “It’s about being active, not passive. If you’re passive about it, you read a report, which isn’t very impactful. We need a one on one personal relationship.”

So, where do we go from here?

SIC advisor Eric Heltzel states, “this vision plan ends May 19, 2019. This is a year-long process of reach out and planning.”

Zermeño states, “It’s the City Council that decides what improvements will be made after this year-long process. It’s a matter of where the needs are, based on talking to the business owners and the residents.”

The Billy Club

Behold, four thick, perfect triangular prisms. Creating a new standard in sandwichery, providing four attempts to master the flavors. The scent of savory bacon forms a hand with an inviting motion like classic cartoons when the character finally gets a meal. Succulent turkey atop lettuce and juicy tomato. Three pieces of toasted bread, soft to the touch but strong enough to endure all of the toppings. I present to you The Billy Club, served in our own cafeteria, the ultimate solution for starving students.

My first bite was indescribable. All of the ingredients holding hands together and dancing on my tongue not even worried about their impending doom awaiting in the bottomless pit of my stomach. However, my stomach was no longer bottomless, the love that was put into the sandwich created a foundation solid enough to fill my hunger.

I cannot take full credit for the discovery. One fateful, hungry day I ran into my friend Anthony, a very tall and portly fellow, I asked him, “I have no idea what to eat, what do you usually get?” Without hesitation, before I could finish the word “get?” He interrupts “The Billy Club Sandwich, it’s smack.” I took his advice to heart; after all, judging by our size you can tell we don’t take hunger lightly.

I placed my order with miss Carlina working the deli that day. Little did she know that she was participating in a what would be a revelation for me. Quickly, she began assembling the vessel of truth, with deft precision and care. I marveled at each ingredient just like you would do when your home team’s players as they were introduced at the championship game. She handed me the plate with a smile.

           It’s like an edible canvas, with a medley of colors and I was going to be the one who would get to enjoy the destruction of this piece of art and magic. Golden bread, smoked ham, roasted turkey, sizzling bacon, Swiss cheese, American cheese, ruby red tomatoes, crisp lettuce, soft mayonnaise and mustard with pickles and carrots on the side. Poetry for the hungry. I know it comes in four pieces, but it is still painful to share.

Hungry student, Rolando Recoder, described his initial bite with such honesty, “I’m not a huge fan of mustard, but in contrast with the other meats, the flavors were symphonic.”

“I like that the sandwich is classic. They have the whole bacon, lettuce, and mayo thing going on. Oh, I love that! The fact that is like a double sandwich is dope too!” says student Jazmine Carter, after her first Billy Club.

So many questions popped into my head, and I knew the right people to ask. Pacific Dining is the company that manages the cafeteria and kitchen. One day I shared an elevator ride with Octavio Amezcua, Pacific Dining’s General Manager at Chabot College. I had tons of questions, and I didn’t want to take away from his task at hand so I told I would have a gang of questions for him in the near future. When the time came, he was able to answer all of them!

    “The ingredients come from a local vendor in San Jose, Chef Choice,” Octavio clarified. “How many are made daily?” I asked. “About 20, we offer them in wheat, white, sourdough or a wrap. The Billy Club and AvoTurkey are my favorite sandwiches on our menu.” Octavio stated. My final question, “Who decided to put Billy Clubs on the menu?” “The owner of Pacific Dining, Rick McMahon, put the Billy Club on our menu many years ago. Since then, it’s been a staple of our operation.”

Luckily, I was able to get in contact with Mr. McMahon. I wanted to know about the meats and bread. “All our products are sourced from food service certified suppliers. We have strict specifications on the turkey breast, smoked ham, and bacon used in the Billy Club. All of these items are exclusive to Pacific Dining.  Galasso’s Bakery bakes the bread. They specialize in high-end bread for retail and restaurants.” Well damn, no wonder why when I make them at home they don’t taste the same.

“How popular is it?” I asked. “Hmm, Billy Club is very popular, but our number one item is our Angus Beef Burger.” But popular doesn’t always mean better

The term “Billy Club” originates from a slang term referring to a police officer’s knight stick or baton which can be used to knock someone out.  The origin somewhat holds up considering you might need a nap after devouring this double-decker. There is a strong underground following of the Billy Club sandwich with a “fight club” movie type of bond and meetings. Oops, I already said too much.

Check out the Billy Club for yourself and don’t forget to customize it (I usually add avocado and sprouts). And for some reason, if you genuinely dislike the Billy Club, and can look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t like it, I will gladly pay you for the remainder.

Barry Bonds: Hall of Fame Worthy?

Barry Bonds took the plate facing Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher, Dennis Springer at the sold-out Pacific Bell Park, on Oct. 7, 2001. Anticipation for the 73rd home run hit was as thick as the early morning fog. Despite controversy over performance-enhancing drugs Bonds has maintained that he didn’t know the sports cream he used during the 2001 season had illegal substances. The pitch, the swing and just in case you don’t remember BOOM, home run and history was made.

There have been a ton of arguments over the last two decades about whether or not performance enhancing drugs (PED) will help you hit more home runs. Whether or not you believe PED’s will help you hit home runs most people will agree that professional athletes should know what they put in their bodies. Out of all the research I have done to find if PED’s will help a player hit home runs I found that they won’t. Now there are many factors to determine what it takes just to hit a home run, but the most informative and impartial research I’ve found was conducted by Eric Walker a writer for The New York Times as well as ESPN and can be viewed online at

I talked to the first-year head coach of the Chabot Baseball team, and I asked, do you think Barry Bonds should get in the hall of fame? he said “Yes.” I asked if he thought if professional athletes should be held accountable for what they put in their body? “Yes, I think we are all accountable for what we put in our body.”

Jeff Druin the Athletic Director at Chabot College and fan of Barry Bond told me “Every one of us should be held accountable for what we put in our body, and it was the responsibility of Bonds to know what he was putting in his body to stay on the right side of the rules, but I still think he should get into the hall of fame.”

No matter how you feel about Barry Bonds, his career is still one of the most prolific ever. Over 750 career home runs, 298 all-time batting average, 1,996 run back-ins, more than 440 on-base percentage and the most exciting single season in baseball history where he hit 73 home runs. The entire baseball community will be watching Sunday, July, 29 to find out whether or not arguably the greatest hitter of all time will be inducted into the hall of fame.